Holiday Cards Available Now!
(See the limited-time offer at the bottom of this post)
Well, as of today, there are only 11 weekends left before Christmas. Can you believe it? That's a pretty scary thought when you consider all those things we must get done by that time, including getting those family Holiday portraits taken and cards sent out.
The great news is that I have a bunch of unique Holiday card designs available for purchase with images from your photo sessions! So, if you've been thinking about getting a family portrait done, but dreading the trip to the mall with dressed up kids, spouses and everyone expected to behave their best (and look perfect) throughout the whole ordeal, I have wonderful news for you!
I can help you kill two birds with one stone! Book an appointment with me and I'll come to you for your portraits. All you have to do is relax and be comfortable in your own home -- on your own turf -- and I'll do the rest. You'll come out of it with a beautiful family portrait AND your Holiday cards. And best of all, you'll have avoided the "mall" trip and the blood, sweat and tears (literally) it takes to accomplish these Holiday "must do's."
How's that for crossing something off your list right away? (Maybe this year you can actually keep that promise to yourself to do it sooner rather than the hectic later this time of year brings!)
And as a great incentive to lighten your load, I'm offering a limited-time special: Receive a FREE 8x10 portrait with your paid sitting and Holiday Card purchase!
Check out the gallery on my website: for all the available Holiday Card designs. And if you really have your heart set on something a little different, just let me know! I'd be happy to design a card especially for you!
So don't wait. I have limited appointments available -- they're filling up fast! Call or email me today!

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