Some Recent Shoots
It's been a while since I've posted an update, but with summer and school being out, my time doing fun stuff on the computer has been pretty limited. But I did want to share some of my favorite images of recent photo sessions. I've been busy and I want to thank everyone who's given me their vote of confidence and most of all, trust, to enter their lives and share a few special moments with them. I am happy to be able to give them something they'll treasure forever.
This first series is of a dear friend, her husband and son, and her in-laws. Aren't they a beautiful family?

Next is beautifully pregnant Kiersten and her gorgeous little boy Trent. This shoot was so fun to do and it was such a perfect day! What a pretty pregnant lady, eh?

Below is 9-month old LILY, whom I also photographed as a newborn. In fact, she was the little itty bitty thing that was on my business cards and a promotional postcard I had made up. When her mom called me to schedule the most recent photo session, I couldn't believe that 9 months had passed already. Isn't she just beautiful? Look at those eyes. She's going to be a heartbreaker. Daddy, I hope you're ready.

Here she is as a newborn:

Well, I do have a lot more to share, but it's late and I'm tired. I'll be back soon with additional favorites!
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